Frequently Asked Questions

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Support Questions

What is CUBE365 and what do I do with it?keyboard_arrow_down

CUBE365 is a new way to add agility to your video library and communications--by enabling everyone on your team to find, create and share ‘snackable’ clips that are easily consumed by your target audience--and easily linked back to its long-form source content.

How does it work?keyboard_arrow_down

CUBE365 uses synchronized and indexed word-for-word transcripts of your videos, enabling instant searching within, and across, videos. And it employes Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to suggest the most interesting segments to clip within a video. Creating a clip is as simple as highlighting a passage in the synchronized transcript and adding a title. Each clip can be shared in multiple ways--as a dedicated web page and as a file (in MP4 format), with or without burned subtitles.

How’s CUBE365 different from conventional video editing software?keyboard_arrow_down

Conventional video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere) requires special training and expensive licenses--along with time-intensive and painstaking linear review of one video at a time. CUBE365 is designed to make finding compelling content within--and across--videos quick and easy for anyone with a browser.

So does this mean my organization no longer needs video editing software--or editors?keyboard_arrow_down

No, CUBE365 is not a replacement for conventional video editing software, workers or workflow--but it can complement them, and make them more productive, and valuable. Conventional editing tools are still needed to create composite videos with custom soundtracks, transitions, and layered text/graphics; but CUBE365 can help to identify--and generate--assets that can be used in these conventional editing workflows.

What is CUBE365 useful for?keyboard_arrow_down

CUBE365 can be used wherever and whenever finding and presenting highlights of videos is valuable--e.g., highlighting the important parts of keynotes in social media campaigns; previewing online webinars; pointers to sections of training/educational videos--and much more.

Is there a limit to the number of users or the number of clips?keyboard_arrow_down

No, you can invite as many users as you want, and you can create as many clips as you want. Allowing unlimited users enables people with different roles (e.g., creators, reviewers, social managers) to collaborate in real-time. Having no limit to the number (or length) of clips transforms video workflows--notoriously slow and cumbersome--into agile communications, enabling new opportunities--such as A/B-testing clip variations; using the same clips across markets with different languages; and much more.

Can I ingest videos from sources other than YouTube and/or upload my videos directly into CUBE365?keyboard_arrow_down

Not presently, but we have plans to support additional input options in the near future.

Does CUBE365 support ingestion and transcription/indexing of videos that are in languages other than English?keyboard_arrow_down

Not presently, but CUBE365 does support viewing, editing (and subtitling) videos with over 100 languages other than English.

Can I share Transcripts of videos outside of CUBE365--e.g., in the form of Word or .txt files?keyboard_arrow_down

Yes, such files can be generated with a click of a button for videos which you order high-quality, human-generated transcripts.

Is it possible to use transcripts generated in CUBE365 as Closed Captions (CCs) in my YouTube videos?keyboard_arrow_down

Yes, with a click of a button for videos which you order high-quality, human-generated transcripts. Likewise, auto-translated foreign-language transcripts (from high quality English transcripts) can be uploaded directly to YouTube with a click of a button.

Can I edit auto- (AI-)generated transcripts, and translations, generated by CUBE365?keyboard_arrow_down

Yes, CUBE365 has an intuitive transcript editor built into the application.

Billing Questions

How do I pay for CUBE365?keyboard_arrow_down

Pricing is simple--based on the number of video minutes you choose to ingest (from YouTube--and soon from other sources). By default, CUBE365 generates a searchable, synchronized transcript, using AI, for every video--which for most content is sufficient for finding, creating and sharing clips. Optionally, high-quality, human-generated transcripts can be ordered with one click; these are nearly perfect in quality (98+% accurate) and unlock additional features, including burned subtitles on MP4 ClipFiles, searchable transcripts on ClipPages and automatic translations of English transcripts into over 100 foreign languages.

If I edit the AI-generated, default transcript to perfection--or I just don’t care about the imperfections--can I use the premium features of an upgraded transcript (e.g., burned subtitles, auto-translations, etc.)?keyboard_arrow_down

No, we only unlock the premium features when you order upgraded transcripts through CUBE365.

What if I already have high-quality, human-generated transcripts for my videos--do I still have to pay the transcript upgrade fee per video?keyboard_arrow_down

Yes, in part because new features are unlocked in CUBE365 when the upgrade fee is paid (e.g., synchronized transcripts on ClipPages, burned subtitles on ClipFiles and the option to auto-translate to over 100 foreign languages). However, if you have very large volumes (thousands of minutes) of high-quality transcripts already in place in your YouTube library, please contact us to discuss volume discount options.

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